Living Historians tell the stories of the past, in the here and now, so we never forget the sacrifice that came before.
In 2018, Ashlee and Jason began working together for photography and living history. All Living Historians within the photos are Americans. Reenactors portray both sides of the war they are “in” and are amazing human beings. Living historians and reenactors help to teach about the past but to do this there must be a “bad guy” portrayed. Please understand this fact and proceed with it in mind.
Fort Washita
Fort Washita is the home to many reenactments and living history events. It has been for years and in 2018, we joined in the fun at this amazing location. In fall 2019, the Thunderbird Living Historians started hosting public displays and battles at Fort Washita in Durant, OK. This is a fantastic location we love being able to use. It has a great draw for the public and plenty of land for us to continue to grow the event.
Into the Winter Line
Although the Thunderbirds do not host this event, they do lot for it and participate heavily. This is a private tactical event at an outstanding location. Capernaum Studios has such a dynamic range of areas for the participants to utilize creating some amazing visuals to capture.
Cushing Fly In
This is an outstanding public event that includes so much more then just living history. The 45th Living Historians are working to grow the living history side of this event as it has so much potential.
Training Events
What makes the 45th Living Historians so stellar, is the amount of work that all members do behind the scenes. Training the troops is a huge aspect of that and is invaluable.
Other Events
As some events are not large for us at this time, the photos will be placed here until we can grow them enough. That’s some motivation for the future for sure.